Gaeilge/English Catholicism Material

Here are a few materials that you might find helpful if you are interested in pairing your Catholic faith with learning Gaeilge side by side with English.

An Coróin Mhuire (The Crown of Mary) – A bilingual guide to praying the Rosary. If you print this out (double sided, flip on the short side), this folds neatly into a little booklet. Personally, I like to put some staples in the fold so that it stays nice and sturdy.

Loricam S. Patricii (The Lorica of St. Patrick, the Breastplate of St. Patrick, The Deerscry) – WOW. It’s hard to find a solid composition of this prayer on the internet. You think once you hit one website that you have found everything for it and then as soon as you click on a different website, it shows you something completely different. So which is it?! Well, just for you (for me) I dug up Google’s digitized copy of The Irish Liber Hymnorum, printed by the Henry Bradshaw Society, which contains (as far as I can ascertain) a faithful copy of the original Old Irish. Comparing sections of various internet translations in English (because no modern Irish translation exists for the whole prayer?!), using my delicate and fragile knowledge of Irish to pick out words of Old Irish that look like modern Irish words, and through the assistance of Old Irish internet dictionaries, I came up with this. I hope you enjoy this powerful prayer.