Latin Mass Resources

Below are some resources that you might find useful when it comes to the Latin Mass. Feel free to use!

1. Cues for the Cantor in a Missa Cantata – based off of the Scholas’ Guide to Sung Mass, found here:

You can also read it here:


  1. As soon as Priest kneels and is handed the aspergilium.


  1. As soon as Asperges ends. If no Asperges, as soon as Priest enters church.


  1. As soon as Introit ends.


  1. Priest intones at end of Kyrie.

Gradual and Alleluia:

  1. Right after the Epistle.


  1. Intoned by Priest right after homily. If no homily it will be intoned immediately after Gospel.


  1. Right after Priest says the first “Oremus” of the offertory prayers. Must be quiet in time for the preface. Cue to stop singing (if needed) is “Orate fratres”


  1. After the ‘dicentes’

Agnus Dei:

  1. After ‘Et cum spiritu tuo’ after the Pater Noster. Should not take so long as to interrupt the Priest’s ‘Ecce Agnus Dei.’

Communion (receive prior to congregation):

  1. As soon as congregation begins receiving communion. If some of schola is not receiving, schola should sing as soon as the Priest walks towards the comm. rail.

Ite, Missa Est

  1. After Postcommunion prayer.